Hire Lodge Terms & Conditions

Access Statement 
  1. We aim to provide the very best service to all our guests. Please discuss your requirements with us and we will do our very best to Our full Access Statement is available here: https://www.oakwoodvalleylodges.co.uk/accessibility/. If you need these Terms and Conditions and our Booking Form in a different format, please ask us.


Park owner (referred to as “we/us/our”)

Business name: Unwind Leisure Ltd


61 Queen Square,



Contact: Deborah Williams
Telephone: 01938 811806
Email: [email protected]

Park details, if different from business name, address and contact details above:

Name: Oakwood Valley Lodges
Address: Oakwood Valley Lodges,

Y Graig,

Llanfair Caereinion,



SY21 0DB

Contact: James Williams
Telephone: 01938 811806
Email: [email protected]


Who may stay with us
  1. The person who completes the Booking Form, or who makes the booking with us by other means, is responsible for the booking and must be 18 years of age or older.
  2. Only the people named on the Booking Form, or when the booking is made by another means, may stay with us.
  3. Your booking is personal to you and you cannot assign or transfer it to any other person or party.
  4. If you request a booking for more than two people, we may ask you to provide evidence to our reasonable satisfaction that you are all couples or all members of the same family.
  5. If you request a booking for more than one Lodge, then we may contact you before deciding whether to accept the booking to help us decide whether we are able to provide the holiday experience you are looking for.
  6. You must tell us if your booking request is connected to any other booking, for example because you know the other party or you share a common purpose in visiting the If you do not tell us about a connection, we may cancel your booking immediately and (if your stay with us has started) require you to leave the Park. You will only be entitled to a refund if a third party takes up your booking. In that event we will refund you up to the money we receive for the rebooking less our reasonable administration charges.


How to book
  1. Bookings can be requested in the following ways:
  1. You must tell us your full requirements, for example if you are bringing any vehicles, tents, or other structures. We need this information when deciding whether we are able to accept your booking and we may not be able to accommodate changes. Where we are able to do so, there may be an additional charge.
  2. A contract exists when we have issued our confirmation to accept your booking.
  3. Please check our confirmation carefully to see that it reflects your wishes. Please let us know of any difference within seven days, unless your holiday is to start within 14 days in which case you should inform us within 24 hours.
  4. We reserve the right to refuse any booking due to extenuating circumstances.


The price you pay
  1. Our prices include access to all Park facilities.
  2. The price will not be subject to any change unless the rate of VAT changes.
  3. When you request your booking, you must pay a deposit of 50% of the price of your holiday. If you are requesting to book 60 days or less before the start date, the full price of your holiday must be paid.
  4. Unless you paid in full when requesting your booking, the balance of the price of your holiday must be paid at least 60 days before the start We are not required to send you a reminder. If the balance is not paid in time, then we may cancel the holiday and retain your deposit as our cancellation charge. We will confirm the cancellation to you in writing by email or letter.
  5. Please make sure that you book all the dates you We are not able to guarantee that we will be able to extend your booking.


Arrivals and departures 
  1. Arrival is from 4pm onwards. You must tell us by 1pm if you are likely to arrive later than30pm. You may not arrive after 7pm. The earliest you may then arrive on the next day is 9am.
  2. If we have not heard from you within 24 hours of your expected arrival, we may release your booking. You will only be entitled to a refund if a third party takes up your In that event we will refund you up to the money we receive for the rebooking less our reasonable administration charges.
  3. You must vacate by 10am on the day of your An additional charge may be made for a late departure.
  4. We will try to allocate you the location of your choice on the Park, but bookings are not conditional on this.
  5. Your location on the Park and directions to it will be confirmed on If you are in any doubt, please check with us. Any guest staying in the wrong location may be required to move.


Changes caused by exceptional circumstances
  1. We may make reasonable changes to our Our changes may reflect changes in relevant laws, guidance and regulatory requirements or implement minor technical adjustments and improvements, for example to address a health and safety risk.
  2. If we make changes which mean we can only provide your holiday in a radically different way, we will give you the choice between confirming your booking, agreeing new booking dates with us or cancelling. We prefer that you postpone rather than cancel but will always allow you to cancel where the law gives you the right to do so.
  3. If the law prevents us from performing our obligations under these Terms & Conditions at all, for any reason which is not the responsibility of either party, we may ask you to postpone but will allow you to cancel if you prefer to do so. For these purposes, reasons which are your responsibility include any arising from your personal circumstances. Examples are ill health (except if the law prevents you from visiting or staying with us in consequence, for example because you are legally required to self-isolate) and any restrictions arising from your chosen
  4. If you decide to cancel where clause 24 or clause 25 applies and your holiday has not started, then we will refund your booking including any deposit. If your holiday has started, then we will refund any days unused. We will not charge an administration fee, and we will only deduct any costs we have already incurred which we cannot recover elsewhere (‘Direct Costs’). We will not be liable to make any other payment to you.
  5. We may also cancel your holiday, or any unused days, if Government guidance means that you should not visit or stay with us, even if the law still allows you to do so. If we cancel and your holiday has not started, then we will refund your booking in full including any deposit. If your holiday has started, then we will refund in full any days unused when we cancel. We will not charge an administration fee and we will not deduct any Direct Costs.


Other cancellations


  1. We prefer that customers who are unable to take their holiday agree to postpone to a mutually convenient However, you may cancel your holiday at any time. Cancellation will be effective on the date it is received by us.
  2. If you cancel under clause 28, cancellation charges are payable as follows unless you are doing so because we are in serious breach of our obligations in these Terms and Conditions.

Cancellation received more than 90 days before start date

No charge; full refund (including any deposit)

Cancellation received 60 days onwards but no more than 89 days before start date

Charge is 30% of holiday price; 70% refund

Cancellation received 30 days onwards but no more than 59 days before start date

Charge is 60% of holiday price; 40% refund

Cancellation received 29 days or less before start date

Charge is 100% of holiday price; no refund


  1. You are not entitled to any refund if you or any of your guests leave before the end of your holiday, unless clause 24 or clause 25 applies or if we are in serious breach of our obligations in these Terms and If we are in serious breach of our obligations, we will refund you for the days of the holiday which have not been taken.
  2. We may also cancel your holiday if you breach any of these Terms and Clauses 51-53 give further details.
  3. We recommend that you consider appropriate holiday insurance which covers any cancellation charges and any additional losses which you may incur through cancellation of your holiday, whether by you or by We are only responsible for any additional losses if you were entitled to cancel because we were in serious breach of our obligations to you and the losses were both directly caused by our breach and reasonably foreseeable by us when the booking was made.


Authorised means of payment
  1. You may pay us in the following way:
    By bank transfer using the following details:
    Sort Code: 30-80-55
    Account Number: 86907168
    Account Name: Unwind Leisure Limited
    Reference: Your Surname, Arrival Date (e.g. Smith 10.05.23)



  1. We are confident you will be happy with our If you have any complaint, we encourage you to discuss it with us as soon as possible as this gives us the best chance of resolving it with you. If you remain unhappy, please contact us again within 28 days of your departure and we will try to help.
Name/Job title: James Williams (Manager)
Telephone: 01938 811806
Email: [email protected]



Please refer to:

Personal data
  1. Any personal data you give to us will be processed in accordance with the law and our privacy policy.

Location of Privacy Policy: www.oakwoodvalleylodges.co.uk/privacy-policy.


Our promises to you
  1. We will allow you to stay with us for the duration of your booking for holiday and recreational purposes, provided you comply with your obligations in these Terms and Conditions and except where exceptional circumstances prevent us from doing so.
  2. We will provide, maintain, and keep in a good state of repair the Services, except where these have to be interrupted temporarily for the purposes of repair or development or for other reasons caused by exceptional circumstances outside our control.
  3. We will ensure the Park against usual third-party risks to a minimum of £5,000,000 per person.


Your promises to us 

You agree that you will:

  1. Keep to these Terms and Conditions and the Park Rules at all times.
  2. Stay with us only for holiday and recreational purposes.
  3. Pay promptly for your holiday and other charges.
  4. Pay to us interest at 3% per annum over the published base rate of Barclays Bank plc from time to time (in Northern Ireland, the Ulster Bank) on any undisputed sums overdue from the due date to the date we actually receive such amounts from you, both before and after any judgment that we may obtain against you.
  5. Not cause any damage during your Any significant damages caused by yourself or your party will be liable for the cost of repair or replacement.
  6. Not do or fail to do anything which might put us in breach of any condition of the Site Licence, which is always available on the Park in a conspicuous place. For example, the conditions of the Site Licence which may affect you include those requiring the space between caravans and other structures to be kept clear, those prohibiting combustible structures, those regarding car parking and those requiring the underside of caravans to be kept clear.
  7. Not make any alteration to any accommodation, facilities or part of the Park.
  8. Permit us to move you to another location on the Park if necessary. We will ensure that any alternative location will be of similar quality and be responsible for all reasonable costs.
  9. Dogs are welcome in the specified lodge at an additional charge (max. 1 dog per lodge- there may be exceptions please ask at the time of booking). We request that dogs are kept off the furniture and beds and owners should clean up their dog foul and place in the bins provided. Dogs should be kept on leads at all times, unless in the dog exercise area. Under no circumstances are pets to be left unattended at any time. We reserve the right to charge for any damage to our property by any pet to the lead name of the lodge booking.


Behaviour standard 

These standards will apply from when you request your booking until your holiday ends. Unless stated otherwise, they apply whether or not you are on the Park at the time.

You agree to, and you must make sure that you, your party and any visitors (including, in each case, their children), keep to the following standards of behaviour:

  1. To act in a courteous and considerate manner towards us, our staff and anyone visiting, using or working on the Park including other customers.
  2. To supervise children so that they are not a nuisance or danger to themselves or other people using the Park.
  3. Not to:
  • Commit any criminal offence (whether or not on the Park or in its vicinity) which causes your name to be entered on the Violent and Sex Offender Register or causes you to be subject to a Risk of Sexual Harm Order or Child Abduction Warning Notice (or any register, order or notice succeeding these);
  • Use the Park in connection with any criminal activity or commit any other criminal offence (i.e., any offence not already subject to clause 49.1) at the Park or in its vicinity;
  • Commit any acts of vandalism or nuisance on the Park;
  • Use fireworks, Chinese lanterns or any similar open flame heat source on the Park;
  • Keep or carry any firearm or any other weapon on the Park;
  • Keep or use any unlawful drugs on the Park;
  • Create undue noise or disturbance or commit antisocial behaviour on the Park;
  • Carry on any trade or business at the Park;
  • Permit anyone who is to your knowledge on the Violent and Sex Offender Register or subject to a Risk of Sexual Harm Order or a Child Abduction Warning Notice (or any register, order or notice succeeding these) to use or visit the Park.
  1. You agree that if you or any of your family members or visitors or guests whom you have invited to the Park break the behaviour standards listed above then we may terminate your booking.


Cancelling the booking because you are in breach of these Terms and Conditions

  1. We may cancel your holiday if you are in serious breach of your obligations in these Terms and Conditions and the breach is not capable of being remedied or is such that it causes a breakdown in the relationship between you and us (for example violence or intentional damage to property) by serving upon you, reasonable notice in writing to cancel your booking. In deciding what period of notice is reasonable, we shall have due regard to the nature of the breach and other relevant circumstances. In appropriate cases, this may mean requiring you to leave the Park immediately.
  2. If you are in breach of any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions which is capable of being remedied (for example, a failure to comply with the behaviour standards in clauses 47-50 which has not caused a breakdown in the relationship between you and us) we may write giving you warning, specifying the breach and asking you to remedy the breach within a reasonable and specified time. If you do not comply with that warning and the breach is either serious and/or amounts to persistent breaches of obligation, which taken individually would be minor, but which taken together cause a breakdown in the relationship between you and us, we are entitled to write to you to cancel your booking. In appropriate cases, the warning we give you may be very short, and we may then require you to leave the Park immediately.
  1. If we cancel your booking under clauses 51 or 52 you will only be entitled to a refund if a third party takes up your In that event we will refund you up to the money we receive for the rebooking less our reasonable administration charges.


Changing the Park Rules 
  1. It may be necessary or desirable to change the Park Rules from time to time, including for reasons of health and safety, the efficient running of the Park, environmental issues, local authority requirements, and/or changes in law or regulations or in the interpretation of law and regulations imposed upon us, in which case we will notify you in writing using your contact details at the address on the Booking Form.
  2. Any changes made to the Park Rules after we accept your booking may affect you because you will be required to comply with the changed Park Rules, but will not affect anything else to which you are entitled under these booking Terms and Conditions.


  1. We hold a key to all the accommodation we own on the Park in case we need to gain entry due to an emergency or an extenuating circumstance.
  2. If you are staying in our accommodation, we may use the key for any purpose authorised by you, for example if you ask us to give access to an authorised visitor. We may require you to confirm your authority in writing.
  3. We may also use the key in an emergency, such as an immediate concern for the health and safety of any person, to carry out urgent repairs or preventative work, or to check and secure the accommodation if it appears to be insecure.



60. We agree that any letters or other communications between us shall be sent using the details for us in these Terms and Conditions and for you on the Booking Form. Email may be used.


  1. “Park Rules” means the rules of conduct and practice issued by us from time to time and applicable to the The Park Rules which currently apply to your booking are in Part II of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. “Pitch” does not include any part of the Park except that on which the accommodation in which you are staying stands.
  3. “Services” means the services which we have promised to make available without a separate charge to you, for example any utilities to your Pitch. Services for which we make a separate charge are provided under separate agreements and not these Terms and Conditions.
  4. “Site Licence” means the caravan Site Licence applicable to the Park issued to us by the local authority under Section 3 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 (or in the case of Northern Ireland under Section 3 of the Caravans (Northern Ireland) Act 1963) and other relevant statutes.
  5. “You/your” means the person making the booking and all members of their party. Where there is more than one person, each is fully responsible for the obligations in these Terms and Conditions.
  6. References to taxes and laws are references to them as extended, amended or replaced from time to time.
  7. Our current Park Rules applicable to your booking are set out for your safety and enjoyment.


Part II: Our Park Rules

  1. The hire lodge may not be used for sleeping a number of persons greater than the ‘maximum sleeping capacity’ stipulated at the time of booking. If no number is stipulated, then it may not be used for sleeping a number of persons greater than the number for which it was designed.
  2. Skateboards, hoverboards, roller skates, scooters, children’s bicycles etc. are not permitted. No games are to be played around the Park. No kites are to be flown on the Park. Children must play in the field and be supervised by an adult.
  3. Wi-Fi is available and free of charge. However, it is very restricted due to our rural location and is not for streaming. The service may not be the same as you are used to at home.
  4. You must respect other owners’ privacy at all times. Walking around or behind other occupied lodges is prohibited.


The pitch & alterations

  1. You or your guests must NOT damage, remove or interfere with any equipment, property, flora or fauna on the Park which is owned by the Park or by a third party. You are NOT permitted to cut/lop any trees or hedges belonging to the Park.
  2. Gardens must be left intact when you vacate your pitch.
  3. You are not permitted to keep any flammable substances on the Park except for your reasonably necessary domestic use.
  4. No explosive materials may be kept on the Park.
  5. For the safety of occupiers, bonfires, paraffin heaters, incinerators, pyrotechnics and other external fires are not permitted on the Park. Barbeques are allowed, provided you have taken adequate safety precautions to prevent the spread of fire.
  6. No guns, firearms or other offensive weapons may be kept on the Park under any circumstances.
  1. Washing must NOT be draped over the balcony hand rails.


Household refuse

  1. You are responsible for the disposal of your household waste, including garden and recyclable waste. Waste must be deposited in the appropriate bins or containers provided. Containers must not be overfilled. No external dustbins are allowed outside the lodges.
  2. Any scrap metal, furniture, batteries, electrical items etc. must be either taken home or to the local refuse point.


Business activities

  1. You are not permitted to carry on any business activities from your holiday lodge, the pitch or any other part of the Park. You must not use the holiday Lodge, the pitch or the Park for storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment used or intended for any business purpose.


Noise nuisance

  1. Musical instruments, music players, TV’s, radios and other appliances must not be used in such a way as may cause a nuisance or disturbance to others, particularly between the hours of 10.00pm and 9.00am.


Vehicles and parking

  1. The speed limit on the park is 10mph and must be strictly adhered to at all times.
  2. Parking is only permitted in the spaces provided and vehicles should be kept off the grass at all times.
  3. Roads must be kept clear at all times for access by emergency vehicles.
  4. Abandoned or unroadworthy vehicles must not be kept or used on the Park.
  5. Touring caravans, motorhomes, lorries, vans, boats and any other large vehicles are not permitted on the Park without prior permission.
  6. You must not carry out any major works on a vehicle on the park, such as dismantling of parts of the engine and the removal of oil and other fuels.
  7. Any delivery vehicles must be met by the office. Delivery drivers are not permitted to enter the premises.



  1. Dogs are only permitted on the Park if kept under control and supervised at all times and on a short lead.
  2. Occupiers should have no more than 2 dogs (not to include any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991).
  3. Do not allow your dogs to annoy your neighbours or foul areas around the Park. Please clean up after your dog at all times (even in the field). A dog waste bin is provided. If your dog is noisy and unsociable you will be asked to remove it from the Park and it will not be permitted to return.
  4. Dogs should be exercised off the Park or in the field.
  5. Nothing within these rules prevents you from keeping an assistance dog if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body has issued you with an Identification Book or other appropriate evidence of requirement.
  6. Unsociable or dangerous dogs are not permitted and The Park reserves the right to refuse certain breeds of dog.
  7. Other pets are at the Parks discretion. 
  1. Please adhere to the countryside code by respecting the countryside, farmers, farmland, and livestock. Please ensure you close all gates behind you.
  2. Dogs, cats, and other pets are not permitted in the laundry room.


Fire and safety precautions

  1. You are solely responsible for securing your lodge.
  2. If you experience any problem with the Park’s electrical, gas or water system please contact a staff member. You must not attempt to work on the Park’s systems yourself.
  3. You must not introduce any foreign items into the drainage system including cleaning cloths, nappies, sanitary towels, cooking fat, engine oil, grease, paint etc.
  4. It is forbidden to tamper with or to interfere with any of the firefighting equipment on the Park. These must only be used in case of an emergency.
  5. All occupiers are advised to remove all valuables from their lodge when not in use. Do not leave valuables on show.
  6. Caution must always be taken around both the stream and the wildlife pool. Water is always dangerous. Children must be supervised around these at all times, as there are areas of deep water.
  7. If you see anyone acting suspiciously around the Park or if your see someone you know should not be on the Park, please inform a member of staff.