Park owner (referred to as “we/us/our”)
Park details, if different from business name, address and contact details above:
Y Graig,
Llanfair Caereinion,
SY21 0DB
Cancellation received more than 90 days before start date
Cancellation received 60 days onwards but no more than 89 days before start date
Cancellation received 30 days onwards but no more than 59 days before start date
Cancellation received 29 days or less before start date
Please refer to:
Location of Privacy Policy:
You agree that you will:
Behaviour standard
These standards will apply from when you request your booking until your holiday ends. Unless stated otherwise, they apply whether or not you are on the Park at the time.
You agree to, and you must make sure that you, your party and any visitors (including, in each case, their children), keep to the following standards of behaviour:
60. We agree that any letters or other communications between us shall be sent using the details for us in these Terms and Conditions and for you on the Booking Form. Email may be used.
The pitch & alterations
Household refuse
Business activities
Noise nuisance
Vehicles and parking
Fire and safety precautions